My days are in full swing here and though I have not come upon that dreaded period (which some students are already complaining about) called MIDTERMS, I am definitely busy. Besides taking a couple ballet technique classes a week, I am also rehearsing for Ballet Repertory T/Th evenings. I LOVE being on pointe again - even though my feetsies and my wallet (2 pairs of pointe shoes = $160) do necessarily feel the same way. It's a small group - 11 ladies including myself - and we generally have a fun time, while sweating profusely. I tried a double pirouette on pointe yesterday for the first time in, oh, FIVE years and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't land on my butt. On Wednesday evening and Sunday morning, I have Chapel Choir rehearsal, which is a challenge because I am an Alto 2 for the first time in my life. *Nota bene: sight-singing is exponentially more difficult when you do not have the melody and sometimes sing so low that only whales could hear.
I went on a retreat with Campus Crusade (Cru) this past weekend and everyone (especially the junior ladies) was welcoming and awesome. Luckily, I can make the junior women's small group on Mondays - we met this week and the 5 or 6 other juniors in it are great. I am REALLY excited for that and think it will be a good support and outlet for questions I haven't had a chance to voice in a while.
On the horizon:
1) I am going through COR (Continuous Open Recruitment) this week for a sorority on campus, which is intended for upperclassmen who don't want to go through the intensity of formal rush in the spring. That's me! More to come on that.
2) I am applying for a study trip to Israel for the last 2 weeks of winter break. It is run by the Professor Carol Meyers and Professor Eric Meyers (yes, they are married), who are two of the most brilliant and interesting people I've met thus far...I have them for my Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and Intro to Judaism classes, respectively.
And lastly, as most of you know, I got a haircut. And I continue to be caught in the dilemma of curly vs. straight hair =)
Until next time...LOVE!
Beijos~ <3
ReplyDeleteWhoa, baby. Sounds like you're doing a lot and liking it all a lot! My good friend at George Mason is really involved with Cru and loves it. I miss you tons. Also, I vote curly :) Mucho amor! -Anna C